
Welcome 9.5 to our Deadly Unna? blog.

This blog is your online opportunity to develop your understanding of the novel, share your ideas with other members of 9.5 and demonstrate your literay skills to me.

Each Monday period one you will asked to log onto this blog and undertake a task (a record of taks completion will be kept). You can access this blog from home so at anytime you can finish any incomplete tasks.

To get the most out of this blog, you need to make sure you keep up to date with your chapter summaries and reading of Deadly Unna? I also encourage you to pose questions to the class and myself about Deadly Unna? and the tasks.

A word about blogger manners - this blog is a school based task therefore any inappropriate language, photos or derogatory comments will not be tolerated by myself or any member of 9.5. There will be consquences for inappropriate behavior.

So, what are you waiting for, create an account and get bloggin!

Ms Benson

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Task 8: Relationships Monday 31 August

  1. Which relationship do you think has the most influence on Gary as a person? Why?

  2. When does Gary's attitude to his father harden? Why?

  3. Does Gary use Pickles or is he a friend?

  4. Why doesn't the relationship with Cathy develop very far?


  1. #1 i think his realtion ship with his mum is important because his dad is never around so his mum has more influance on him.
    darcy has an influance on him to he is always giving him good advice.

  2. #2 when there one the boat and there going in to the storm insted of going home and keeping his kids safe he keeps going dearing the sea to try to kill them

  3. 1. The relationship with Darcy has had the biggest influence on Blacky's life because he teaches him a lot of things
    2. Gary attitude to his father hardens when he doesn't care if he gets angry because he just wants to do what he is doing
    3. Pickles is a friend of Gary's because he is always going fishing and squidding with him. He wanted to go squidding with Pickles over Dazza
    4. His relationship with Cathy doesn't develop very far because she had to go back to Adelaide and Blacky wanted to go to Dumby's funeral

  4. #3 he is not a friend but an aquantce to him there not best of friends but there mates

  5. #4 because insted of going to her bbq he goes to dumbys funeral and she leaves so they dont get to know each other that well

  6. I think Darcy has the strongest and most influential relationship with Gary because he canges his life. Gary's attitude hardens to his Dad when he goes to Dumby's funeral and doesn't go fishing. I think Gary is friends with Pickles but not best friends. His relationship with Cathy doesn't go far because he doesn't go to the BBQ' and instead goes to Dumby's funeral.

  7. 1,blacky relationship wih darcy would probaly have the biggest influemce on blacky's life.
    2,gary's attaitude to his father hardens in the book when he dos't care what his dad thinks and dosn't care if he gets angry
    3,pickles is a good friend to gary because they go squiding and fishing .and gary choses picles instead of dazza.
    4,there relationship dosn't really go any where becaus ethey don't really hang out and she has to go back to adelaide.

  8. Gary because he canges his life. Gary's attitude hardens to his Dad when he goes to Dumby's funeral and doesn't go fishing. I think Gary is friends with Pickles but not best friends. His relationship with Cathy doesn't go far because he doesn't go to the BBQ' and instead goes to Dumby's funeral.

  9. 1.The relationship with Darcy has the most influence on Gary because he always give him advice.
    2.Gary attitude to his father hardens when he doesn't care if his dad gets angry because he just wants to do what he is doing.
    3.pickles is garys friend because he is always going fishing and squiding with him. he is a lot better at squidding than Dazza.
    4.his relatioship with cathy doesn't develop very far because she does back to Adelaid.

  10. Darcy has a lot of influence on blacky. Blacky will always come to darcy, he will listen to what he has to say and take in his advice. This is because they are good friends who trust and feel comfortable around eachother to talk about things blacky doesnt understand.
    When blacky realises he can stand up for himself, and its not the end of the world, he hardens up and does what he fells is right. He does it for Dumby.
    Even though pickles and Blcky are very different, they are still good mates.
    Cathy leaves before he could properly get to know her.

  11. I think Darcy has the strongest influence on Gary because he canges his life. Gary's attitude hardens to his Dad when he goes to Dumby's funeral and doesn't go fishing with his dad. I think Gary is friends with Pickles but not best friends. His relationship with Cathy doesn't go far because he doesn't go to the BBQ' and instead he goes to Dumby's funeral.
