
Welcome 9.5 to our Deadly Unna? blog.

This blog is your online opportunity to develop your understanding of the novel, share your ideas with other members of 9.5 and demonstrate your literay skills to me.

Each Monday period one you will asked to log onto this blog and undertake a task (a record of taks completion will be kept). You can access this blog from home so at anytime you can finish any incomplete tasks.

To get the most out of this blog, you need to make sure you keep up to date with your chapter summaries and reading of Deadly Unna? I also encourage you to pose questions to the class and myself about Deadly Unna? and the tasks.

A word about blogger manners - this blog is a school based task therefore any inappropriate language, photos or derogatory comments will not be tolerated by myself or any member of 9.5. There will be consquences for inappropriate behavior.

So, what are you waiting for, create an account and get bloggin!

Ms Benson

Friday, August 7, 2009

Task 1: Hopes and Dreams Monday August 10th

No matter where you live, everyone has hopes and dreams. Click on the link below and print out the hopes and dreams opinionaire. To print it out click on the 'download copy of opinioaire'.

Once you have completed the opinionaire, answer the questions below.


1. Write down your hopes and dreams for the future.

2. Pick either, Blacky, Dumby Red or Pickles and write down what you think their hopes and dreams might be.

3. List the things that you think prevent people from achieving their hopes and dreams.


  1. after i finish school i might move up to cambra and go to duntroon officers school and do an officers in demilition uint or i will finish year 12 and go touni and do a teaching dergree and become a sose teacher or a sport teacher

  2. Damien Main's hopes and dreams for the future!
    In the future I want to play A.F.L for Essendon or play cricket for Australia. If not, I just want to get a job that pays heaps and you don't have to get up early in the morning.

  3. Christians- Hopes and Dreams for the Future.
    I want to have a good job that pays tonnes so I can I have a good house, a family and tonnes of holidays. I also want to live in Queensland.

  4. Neils- Hopes and Dreams for the Future.
    i want to play cricket for australia but if that doesnt go well i want to have a decent job to earn a living. when i retire i want to travel around the world.

  5. Dumby Red's hopes and dreams by Damien Main
    He wants to play A.F.L for Carlton. He wants to stop Aboriginal racism, get married and have some kids.

  6. dumby red has dreams to play AFL for carlton hhe wants to creat a movment to stop racsom and make the world a more peace full place

  7. Dumby Red wants to play A.F.L for Carlton with Jezza. He wants to stop aboriginal racism and move out of the town.

  8. Dumby Reds-hopes and dreams by Neil Brown. he wants to play A.F.L for Carlton, and he wants to stop aboriginal racisim.

  9. I want to be a really rich sportsperson who has an awesome house on the beach and a cool family. If not, i want a good jobs that pays well so i can do whatever i want. Dumby Red's dream would be to play footy in AFL and be rich. Some things that prevent people from achieving their hopes and dreams are where they come from, what their parents are like and what they want you to be.

  10. The things that prevent people from acheiving their goals by Damien Main.
    Some things are that their family doesn't have enough money to travel them around, people tell them that they aren't good enough or they get injured.

  11. what preventsa people from acheving there dreams.
    . other people
    . time and money
    . family
    . job expertise
    . education
    . phisical disability
    . racisom

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  14. Things that stop people from hopes and dreams.
    People are better than you at what you want to do. You don't have enough money or time to do what you want.

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  16. The things that prevent people from acheiving their goals by Neil Brown.
    Some things are that their family doesn't have enough money to travel, people tell them that they aren't good enough or they get a serious injury.

  17. Hopes n Dreams for the future- go bac to scotland for a bit, i wnt to travel round the world for a year n then after that go to univesity.

  18. In the future i want to play AFL football. if not i want a job that pays lots of money so i can have a good house

  19. Tayla-Hopes and Dreams for the Future
    In the future i wish to play netball for Australia. And if I don’t do that I would love to travel around the world and see as many countries as I can. maybe go to tafe

  20. daniel-in my future i want to have a decent job that payes heaps of money and a good house travel around the world. and live on the beach.

  21. Dumby Red wnts to stop aboriginal racism and play AFL for carlton.

  22. Dumby red has dreams to play AFL for carlton
    He want to stop racsom to the aborigional culture and to make sure it is peaceful place.

  23. daniel-dumby red wants to play A.F.L for carlton and stop aboriginal racism

  24. my hopes and dreams are to get a good job and go to university and have a good life

  25. jason's hopes and dreams for the future
    i want to ether play cricket or footy at a high level. if i dont become ether of those i would like to get a trade

  26. mi hpoes for the future r to become a landscaper and own mi own business and play footy american football for the phili egals.

  27. Dumby Reds dream of the future is to play football for Carlton and stop Aboriginal Racism.
    things that prevent people acheieving their goals are other people, time and money and family and education

  28. what prevents people from acheving there dreams.
    - other people and wat they say to and about them
    - the time they have to do it and the money it might cost to do wat you want.
    - you might have kids and have no time to your self and/or you might have to look after your family.
    - you might not have the skills/ experties to do wat you want.
    - you might not have the education that you need to get into it cause you didnt finish/ pass school
    - you have a disability that you cant help that will put people off you and they think that you cant do things
    - and racisom

  29. Jason Kreskas questions (2-3)
    blacky dream
    blacky's dream is to get rid of racism and to get rid of graffiti, and to win a grand final.

    . parents/family influence.
    . didn't go well in school.
    . you might like something but you dont have the skills to do it.
    . other people(if you get teased, bullied and what your friends say) can have an influence on what you become.

  30. daniel -things that prevent people from reaching there goals.
    you might not have a enogh money.
    you might like a job but not have the skills for it.
    didn't do good enogh in school to get that job.

  31. my hopes and dreams are to get too year 12 and do good and to get a good job and have a good life

  32. Blacky wants to get rid off racism and to win the grand final

  33. some people might not reach there goals because they did not do good in school and may have disability and parents and family influence and people may tease you

  34. to go as far as i can in school before i fail. I will see wat my options are, maybe go to tafe and become a mechanic.

    DUMBY RED: wants to play for carlton along side jezza!!

    STOPPING DREAMS: you werent up to standard for what your dream once was and failing would make you sink deeper and be no-where near your original dream.

  35. my hopes and dreams are to finish school and travell around the world with a friend and get a good job.

  36. i think dumby reds hopes and dreams would be to become a famous footy player

  37. 1. people might be scared of what others will think
    2. they might not believe in themseleves
    3. they may not think they can do it so they dont try
