
Welcome 9.5 to our Deadly Unna? blog.

This blog is your online opportunity to develop your understanding of the novel, share your ideas with other members of 9.5 and demonstrate your literay skills to me.

Each Monday period one you will asked to log onto this blog and undertake a task (a record of taks completion will be kept). You can access this blog from home so at anytime you can finish any incomplete tasks.

To get the most out of this blog, you need to make sure you keep up to date with your chapter summaries and reading of Deadly Unna? I also encourage you to pose questions to the class and myself about Deadly Unna? and the tasks.

A word about blogger manners - this blog is a school based task therefore any inappropriate language, photos or derogatory comments will not be tolerated by myself or any member of 9.5. There will be consquences for inappropriate behavior.

So, what are you waiting for, create an account and get bloggin!

Ms Benson

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Task 3: Peer Comment Monday August 10

  1. Read through your class mates responses to todays tasks.
  2. Pick two that you wish to respond to.
  3. Write a response to their comment by offering your views on responsibility or hopes and dreams.


  1. Peer Comment by Damien Main
    I read Dane's and Neil's comments.
    I think to reach their goal they should keep trying as hard as they can and don't give up.

  2. I read Damo's and Jake's comments and they both have the same sort of goals. I think they should both work on their skills and improve their fitness to achieve their sporting goals. They should also study hard so that they can get a good job that pays well

  3. i read Jason's and Damo's and they both should keep working on their skill's for the sporting goal and they should also try their hardest with both of their goals

  4. i read jakes and dane by daniel
    i think if they want to reach there goals they should keep trying and not give up.

  5. Tayla- Peer comment
    Bea- i think she sould go ahead with her dreams. i think it would be great to do what she wants to do..
    Damo- I think he should keep working on his skills and keep working on his fitness to achieve his sporting goal.

  6. I read Jeremy's and Michael's commments. I think Jeremy should continue to work towards those goal with some effort. Michael, good luck!

  7. i red jasons coments and michael's coments and i think they will have tow rok hard to reach them but they can if the try had.

  8. i read christians and Jeremys i think that they will both reach there goals in there life

  9. I read Christian's and Jason's commments. I think Christian should continue to work towards those goal with some effort. Jason, good luck!
